This week's paper figure set... Sixth Gun creators Cullen Bunn and Brian Hurtt!
Now you may just be asking yourself "who are these guys? Why didn't Chris put up characters from The Sea Hawk or Scrubs or something?"
To which I say, "how in the world have you read MY comics and not THEIRS? That's like saying 'Oh, I really dig Alexander Kent" but you've never read Patrick O'Brian or C.S. Forrester.'" Not that there's any real equation there, just that it'd be surprising if you knew the former but not the others, which is how surprised I'd be if you'd read Crogan and not Sixth Gun. Read it. Seriously. I can't tell you how not disappointed you'll be.
I mean, come on. The sixth gun has undead cowboy minions attacking a train with a mummy on board, AND it's drawn like this:
And to be perfectly fair, colorist Bill Crabtree has brought a LOT to the book. His colors are fantastic. But I've never met him (at least in the context that I knew he colored 6th Gun) and as such don't really know what he looks like; thus no figure. Sorry, Bill, and I love what you've been doing on the book!x