
Sunday, March 16, 2008

I'm big in England

Here's a weird little doohickie: a picture of me in a Halloween costume from a few years ago was in the London Daily Mail last September(?!!!). I found it by pure luck, doing an image search for "flashman" because I was trying to find out who painted the novel covers. I have no idea how this picture got there, or where they found it - I have a very cropped version in my myspace pictures, but as far as I knew there wasn't a full one on the web. Huh. Anyway, here's me:

In terms of drawings, I liked how this line turned out. I don't have a whole lot of moment-to-moment transitions in the book - most of it is dialogue-driven - so this jumped out at me. The villain gets mad, then has a dastardly idea. Bwahahaha!

I sketched these two little Napoleonic fellas in class on Thursday. Thought I'd share.

Lastly, we finished our taxes! Heck, we may have already gotten our return - Liz keeps up with that stuff. Since she's a stickler for the rules, and since I sometimes use the computer (rarely) for non cartoonin' stuff, I only get to write-off my "studio," which is nestled in twixt the TV and the coat closet ... so here's the eight square feet that we wrote off of our apartment (I think that this comes out to being .00076% of our place? That can't be right. I'm terrible at math). Studio!


Shawn Crystal said...

The drawing is looking awesome, Chris! Keep pushing!

Unknown said...

Appearing randomly in a London Daily. Chalk one more unique story up to one Chris Schweizer.

The Annotated Barbarian said...

Sharp looking work space. You are making the best of the space you have.

Phillip said...

I found your blog via Drawn, but I wanted to say I did a GIS for flashman and didn't see that article. I did, however find the page that photo is from. It's on this angelfire site, maybe you'd forgotten about it?

Chris Schweizer said...

Ha! Thanks for giving me the heads up... and for pointing me to that site, which I'll likely take down - personal pictures, a band that hasn't been in existence for three or four years, and undergrad art that makes me cringe... I had completely forgotten that it exists!

I did a GIS again, and this time it showed up there... when I looked it was on page one, now the GDM site isn't in the top five (didn't look past that).

Thanks for checking out the blog. Hope you come back!