Saturday, March 30, 2013

Crogan Adventures Radio, episode 1: The Heart of Mabel Cottonshot

Oh, my! The first episode of the Crogan Adventures Radio Shows went up and I forgot to blog about it! My apologies. Between school and projects, some things slip my mind.

Here it is... The Heart of Mabel Cottonshot!
Robert Westgate as Benjamin Crogan
Clarissa Denederlanden as Mabel Cottonshot
Gregg Taylor as Charlie the Bartender
Kevin Robinson as Henry Scrugg
Christopher Mott as Earl
Hans Messersmith as Harold the Barker
Scott Moyle as Hatteburg
with additional voices by Ryan Sero and, well, me. That's right! They were nice enough to let me do a few voices. In this one, I play a few of the customers in the bar scene from just after the commercial in the middle.

The modern Crogan family starred Michael Booth as the dad (whose first name is revealed in episode 2, I think), Hero Van Harten as Eric, and Shannon Arnold as Cory.

The show was directed by Gregg Taylor, who did a darn fine job of things as he always does.

It's free to download, and it's free to listen to it online!  You can also subscribe to Decoder Ring Theatre in iTunes.  get listenin'!

1 comment:

  1. nicely done! i've seen a decent amount of westerns, and a ridiculous amount of Firefly, and I have to say that Mabel reads more like the latter than the former. Which, in my estimation, is a mighty fine thing.
