Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sherlock Holmes: Wiggins

It's a Christmas miracle! Well, not really, but I am posting twice today! Presenting the fourth in the Sherlock Holmes character series: Wiggins!
 Wiggins is the head of Holmes' urchin intelligence squad, and I picked him for today because he's so adorably Dickensian. Also, it looks like I've found a way to print these and make them available as a "Paper Figures" set by mid-January! MERRY CHRISTMAS! And God bless us, every one.


  1. Your portrayal of Wiggins is brilliant!

    I recently rescued and abandoned mutt who was tied to a park bench and left overnight in New York City.

    I named him Wiggins after this character and use your illustration to show family and friends his namesake.

  2. Your portrayal of Wiggins is brilliant!

    I recently rescued and abandoned mutt who was tied to a park bench and left overnight in New York City.

    I named him Wiggins after this character and use your illustration to show family and friends his namesake.
