Tuesday, December 6, 2011

20-Minute Color Sketch: Jenkins 352

While finishing up the art for Crogan's Loyalty, I listened to quite a few audiobooks, and as an upcoming Crogan story takes place during the Zulu Wars I thought it appropriate to try and find some books set during that conflict.  My favorite of these was the first book in John Wilcox's Simon Fonthill series.  I've listened to the first two (I had the first in print, but hadn't gotten around to reading it manually) and am now moving through the third.
As is probably clear from the genre in which I generally work, I'm a sucker for good historical adventure.  My favorite character in the Fonthill series (and I'm sure I'm not particularly original in this regard) is Fonthill's batman and brother-in-arms Jenkins 352 (referred to by the last three digits of his serial number because his unit had fifteen fellas named Jenkins), and it's clear that Wilcox loves writing him as much as I love reading him. It's all but impossible for me to not draw prose characters when in the thralls of good fiction, so it was natural for me to light on Jenkins for today's 20-Minute Color Sketch. Also, some folks in the comments section asked a few days back about the release date for Crogan's Loyalty... it's June 6th.  I'll be doing a small book tour that week, I think, including Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, and possibly Ohio.  I'll be sure to post details as I have them.

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