Today's Ewok:
CHIEF CHIRPA!Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Ewok Week: TEEBO
I was going to do some EWOKS for theis week's 20-minute color sketches... But they ended up taking like twenty-thirty minutes apiece to color. So I can't classify them as being 20 minuters, but I can show 'em anyway! None of those weird tv ewoks, this stuff is straight up ROTJ, yo.
First up: Teebo!Posted by Chris Schweizer at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: Ewok Week
Crogan's Loyalty is ALL DONE
Click image for the full-sized version While you’re waiting for the new ones, consider buying the old ones, Crogan’s Vengeance and Crogan’s March.
Starting tomorrow I’ll get back to posting my 20-minute color sketches. I’m thinkin’ EWOKS.
Posted by Chris Schweizer at 11:50 AM 6 comments
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Too Many Trees
Posted by Chris Schweizer at 11:22 PM 2 comments
20-Minute Color Sketches: Robocop
Posted by Chris Schweizer at 9:06 AM 0 comments
Labels: 20-Minute Color Sketches
Saturday, November 19, 2011
20-Minute Color Sketches: Some Old Cowboy
Speaking of old cowboys, I watched the second episode of AMC’s “Hell on Wheels.” The first episode was truly awful, but the second one was not too bad. I’ll give it four episodes, I think - if it continues to improve, I’ll likely keep watching. I’m a sucker for Westerns.
Posted by Chris Schweizer at 9:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: 20-Minute Color Sketches
Friday, November 18, 2011
20-Minute Color Sketches: Watchmen
Posted by Chris Schweizer at 10:50 AM 0 comments
Labels: 20-Minute Color Sketches
Thursday, November 17, 2011
20-Minute Color Sketches: He-Man
Today's sketch: The Master of the Universe...
Today's the last day of school for the year. I love teaching and I love working with my students, but I also love uninterrupted studio time and wearing shorts, so these breaks are always welcome.Posted by Chris Schweizer at 6:03 AM 0 comments
Labels: 20-Minute Color Sketches
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
20-Minute Color Sketches: Wolverine vs Sabretooth
When I was a kid, I had Marvel trading cards and some of 'em depicted "famous battles." This is like that, only quicker.
Posted by Chris Schweizer at 5:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: 20-Minute Color Sketches
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
20-Minute Color Sketches: Abe Sapien
Here's another of those quick sketches. Drawing and coloring both, I'm putting a cap at twenty minutes max for these. That'll ensure that I can produce at least one a day without infringing on my CROGAN ADVENTURES work. So know that you can check in every morning (barring the ones where I'm out of town at cons and the like) and there will be a new drawing up, like this one, ABE SAPIEN:
Abe is, of course, from Hellboy and B.P.R.D., hands-down my favorite serialized comic.Posted by Chris Schweizer at 6:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: 20-Minute Color Sketches
Monday, November 14, 2011
MAD, MAD, SCAD Weekend
I went to Savannah, Georgia for our National Cartoonist Society meeting this month. It was quite the big to-do, as it served as a big reunion for pretty much all of the original MAD MAGAZINE guys - Al Jaffee, Jack Davis, Paul Coker, Nick Meglin, and Sam Viviano - plus current MAD caricature guy and NCS president Tom Richmond, in addition to all the great Southeast chapter folk and the ones who flew in for the shindig. It was great seeing some of these old dogs again, and even greater meeting the folks who I hadn't yet had occasion to.
I did a couple of sketches during a workshop that Sergio did, and figured I'd post 'em up.Posted by Chris Schweizer at 6:17 AM 2 comments
Friday, November 11, 2011
Gambit and Rogue
Another colored sketchbook sketch - Gambit and Rogue, from the X-Men. Given Rogue's hair, Alabama upbringing, and general all-around 80sness I thought she should look like she stepped in Spandex out of Steel Magnolias, so she's halfway between Julia Roberts and Dolly Parton.
Posted by Chris Schweizer at 7:56 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Justice League, HO!
While most of my comic work is done with a brush (and most of the stuff I post up here, for that matter), I generally sketch with fixed-line pens. I even do my "pencils" with them. It's much more intuitive and quick for me to work that way, but I've always been hesitant to try it with actual pages. But you know what? The brushy stuff automatically gives my stuff a cartoonier look, atop already cartoony designs. I love it for the Crogan books, and will continue to use it there, but I'm thinking about trying to use this for other stuff, which I feel might be a little more "mainstream friendly." I don't know, maybe I'm crazy. So I figured I'd color one of my classroom sketches from today, these justice league guys:
Either way, it takes me like ten minutes to color something like this, which took five minutes to draw. That's a BIG difference from working with a brush, and I kind of like how it turned out. Since I sketch a ton each day, I may color 'em and post more regularly. What do you guys think? Like it? Hate it? Also, Liz Enright brought bacon brownies in to school today and THEY WERE SOOOOOOO YUMMYPosted by Chris Schweizer at 4:06 PM 0 comments