Sunday, October 23, 2011


Halloween is rapidly approaching. And man, I love Halloween. I love it so much that I was going to do thirteen spooky drawings and post them all this month. But then I remembered that I've got to finish the next Crogan Adventures book, so you're only getting two: the Dracula I did on Friday, and Frankenstein.
click the image for a full-sized version I was Victor Frankenstein in a play once. This was in college. College for me consisted of studying, dating, and loads of humanties-related extracurricular activities, which meant I often had days at a time where I slept two or three hours a night. During Frankenstein I was in one of these no-sleep cycles, and was nearly dead on my feet. During one performance, I tried to bypass this little roadblock by taking three no-doz tablets (caffeine pills), in addition to the coffee that I was pretty much breathing. Then I forgot that I'd taken the no-doz and took three more. I got a pretty heavy case of the shakes about halfway through the show, and was sweating a lot. My eyes were full-blown twitchy. On the positive side, this was around the scene where my passion and obsession over finishing the monster were at their peak, and I was alienating my friends and loved ones with frantic, single-minded nuttiness, so the shakes/sweats merely served to bolster my performance. The negative is that I spent intermission throwing up behind the theater. Happy Halloween! Oh, and the original drawing for this piece IS for sale (you can see the uncolored scan on the original art sale page).  It's $200 (that includes shipping). It's one of the most detailed things I've ever drawn, and we need a leaf-blower.


  1. I absolutely love this! Are there any hopes of you posting a .jpg of just the b/w ink work?

  2. I absolutely love this! Are there any hopes of you posting a JPG of just the b/w ink work?
