
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sketchbook Now Available for Online Orders!

As promised I'm making the sketchbook available online!  And since everyone is so used to Amazon's free shipping, I'd hate to bring on a case of the grumps by not doing the same.  The following options are available: • Regular price: $20.  I will include a sketch of one character or object in the front of each book. • Crogan Adventure Society price: $10.  One of the perks of being a Crogan Adventure Society agent!  This offer only applies to agents who got their memberships before April of 2011.  But future discounts will apply to future agents, so find out more about the C.A.S. here.  I will include a sketch of a character or object in the front of each book. • Retailer Price: $10.  A fifty percent discount for brick-and-mortar comic and book store retailers.  Please send me store info for validation.  All books must be shipped to the store. • International Orders: $25.  In order to cover additional shipping costs, international orders require an additional $5.  I will include a sketch of a character or object in the front of each book.
To order, select from the following:
Please allow one to two weeks for delivery.  It takes a little while to do the sketches, and sometimes I'm out of town.  Thanks for the order!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

HeroesCon Schedule

The sketchbook release went really well!

A whole lot of people came out, I was signing nonstop from 5pm until 10:30, and all in all it was a really fun evening, though I was too busy to eat any of the excellent food that Liz prepared. And now... HeroesCon!  This weekend is HeroesCon, which I've talked about before.  You should go if you're able.  I'll have sketchbooks there, along with copies of The Crogan Adventures and some prints.  I'll also be doing a number of panels:

Friday at Noon Teaching Comics Room 203A In the past decade or so, Graphic Novels have invaded the syllabi of many colleges and Universities throughout the country. Join moderator Shawn Daughhetee and Professors Craig Fisher, Chris Schweizer, Mike Kobre and Alan Rauch as they discuss what is involved in teaching comics at the college level. We will be taking attendance. Friday at 2:30pm Composition & Clarity (Part of the SCAD Workshop Series) Room 201 For a comic to succeed, artistically or commercially, it needs to read clearly, and at the heart of clarity in comics is strong composition. Chris Schweizer will teach you about clarity in composition, from using value to define planes and visually invest your reader in a scene, to identifying and avoiding any of the six types of compositional tangents that can pop up in even the best artist’s work to ruin a panel. This is a chunk of what will be a practical textbook that I'm working on.  I think it's really valuable information if you're a comic artist, so I hope you'll come up! Sunday at 11am (I know, I know, this is just as the con is starting that day.  Still, Don Rosa!  DON ROSA!  You should go). Room 203A Blending real historical facts and humor based comics into something provocative and highly entertaining is no feat. Join Chris Schweizer (The Crogan Adventures) as he leads the discussion with Ben Towle (Amelia Earhart) and Don Rosa (Uncle Scrooge) as they explain the intricacies of the creative juggling act. Sunday at 1pm Family Friendly Comics Room 209 This panel has become a yearly tradition at HeroesCon. We take pride in this convention being for the entire family and what better way to celebrate Shelton Drum’s vision than by spotlighting comics the entire family can read. Comic News Insider’s Jimmy Aquino will interview Chad Bowers, Andy Runton (Owly), Chris Schweizer (the Crogan Adventures), Chris Giarusso (Mini Marvels), Jamie Cosley (Cody the Cavalier) and come see what all the buzz is about

Again, if you're a Crogan Adventure Society agent, bring your ID to get the sketchbook for only FIVE DOLLARS.  For everyone NOT going, I'll have the books available for sale via the website next week.  Keep your eye on the blog! Also, a TON of SCAD-Atlanta students will be there, at the Temple of Cartoon Mojo table.  They'll be selling their own work - some of it truly awesome - as well as a mini-comic anthology edited by Max Currie, who's one of the most driven and enthusiastic guys I've ever met.  He's read every book I can throw at him, he works around the clock, and he's definitely a guy to watch out for.  Anyway, the anthology is called Sightings, and it's all short stories and drawings about monsters like Bigfoot, Loch Ness monster, etc.  It's pretty awesome, and only a buck.  Don't foget to check it out!  Plus I'll be putting the original for my John Carter poster in the auction!